Choice Talks 014 – John Curley – Curley’s Quality Foods

We recently had the pleasure of speaking with John Curley, Founder of Curley’s Quality Foods about the challenges Curley’s Quality Foods has faced over the last year due to COVID19. John states that one of the biggest challenges during COVID is the short notice of lockdowns for the hospitality sector. He states that it was […]
Easing of COVID19 Restrictions – April 26

April 26, 2021 marks another step on the road to normality as the easing of more restrictions come into play from today. Sports pitches, golf courses and tennis courts are reopening and visitor attractions including zoos, pet farms and heritage sites are also back in business. Underage non-contact outdoor training in pods of 15 can […]
FCP Celebrates Earth Day

Today (April 22) is Earth Day, an international event celebrated around the world to pledge support for environmental protection. The year 2021 marks the 51st anniversary of the annual celebrations. This year’s theme for Earth Day is ‘Restore Our Earth’. Simple Things You Can Do to Help Protect the Earth Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut […]
Choice Talks 013 – John Whyte – Hugh Jordan & Co

We recently had the opportunity of speaking with John Whyte, National Account Manager at Hugh Jordan & Co. John Whyte discussed that some of the challenges Hugh Jordan has faced during COVID19 is managing the dynamics of reduced turnover and keeping staff motivated. The COVID19 pandemic has caused High Jordan to do business a little […]
Choice Talks 012 – Ger Tierney – Fleming Medical

Recently we spoke with Ger Tierney, Healthcare Sales Manager at Fleming Medical. Ger discusses how Fleming Medicals biggest challenges during COIVD-19 was, keeping everyone safe including their own staff. Being an essential service they had to establish early on protocols, so people could work from home. PPE gear was provided to staff and their families. […]
Choice Talk 011 – Tom Noonan – Bewley’s

We recently spoke with Tom Noonan, Head of Marketing at Bewley’s about the challenges COVID19 has brought to their business. Tom discusses how the last few months have been challenging for businesses and also society. He said watching their customers having to close their doors due to lock-down has been difficult. Bewleys works a lot […]
Easing Of Restrictions – Update

Although April 5th was marked as the date for easing of restrictions, Government have now changed it to the 12th. The National Public Health Emergency Team (Nphet) warned that reopening too much, too fast will risk a fourth wave of the virus. It has advised a cautious reopening over the next four to eight weeks, […]
Choice Talks 010 – Tony Moore – Bunzl Irish Merchants

In our most recent Choice Talk we spoke with Tony Moore, Healthcare Sales Mangers at Bunzl Irish Merchants about the difficulties BIM has faced during COVID. He discusses their biggest challenge was sourcing the right products at the right price while also now competing with new competitors, also in the meantime keeping their clients satisfied. […]
Lough Erril partners with FCP

Lough Erril Private Nursing Home, Mohill, Co. Leitrim is a purpose built, single storey Nursing Home situated in a scenic location overlooking Lough Erril. They provide Competent Compassionate Care and Clinical Excellence in a relaxed and homely environment. At Lough Erril Private Nursing Home they consider their Residents and their well-being of primary importance and […]
Curam Care Homes partners with First Choice Purchasing

Curam Care Homes has partnered with First Choice Purchasing on their new site on the Navan Rd. FCP has worked closely with Curam Care Homes in the development of their 144-room nursing home from start to finish. We were proud to consult them on their process and introduce them to our wide range of suppliers. […]