Hotels are scheduled to reopen on Monday 29th June in Ireland. In part five of our ‘Reopening Hotels’ series we examine what measures need to be considered for Weddings.
On Arrival
- Avoid making direct contact with doors, guests should enter the property through doors that are automated or manually operated by an employee.
- Hand sanitiser dispensers, (touchless whenever possible), will be placed at all entry points. These should have a minimum alcohol content of 60%.
Drinks Reception
- A private room should be used, if available.
- Service stations should use physical distancing queuing systems.
- Tea / coffee / drinks and canapé station to be managed by service personnel. There should be no self-service station. Canapés should be in individual portions
- Remove as much loose furniture (e.g. sofas, etc.) from the room to ensure maximum space for physical distancing.
Dinner Reception
- Entrance doors to be opened whilst guests are entering the dining area.
- In accordance with the HSE guidelines, tables should be well spaced apart and offer adequate spacing between guest sitting at it.
- Hand sanitiser should be made be available at the entrance to the dining room.
- Management should make PA announcement to welcome guests and reassure them that employees have been trained in accordance with all HSE guidelines.
- There should be no shared items at the table. Instead:
For the meal service:
- A separate team member should be allocated to individual tables.
- There should be no family-style service of food (i.e. no shared vegetable / gravy dishes, etc.).
- All food should be plated in the kitchen.
- Wine should be poured by service personnel only, all beverage served to table from dispense bar whose shutters should be closed at all times.
- Wedding afters to be served directly to each guest fully plated.
Ensuring distancing on the dance floors:
- Signage on tables and dance floors should ask guests to respect physical distancing guidelines.
- Employees should monitor and manage distancing where possible.
Also to Remember
- All third-party suppliers should be vetted to ensure they adhere to recommended HSE guidelines.
- Clear signage must be in place to request physical distancing.
- The maximum number of people attending a function (including service personnel) should be determined by calculating according to HSE guidelines.

How can First Choice Purchasing can help?
We can provide your hotel with a secure and consistent supply of items needed to help your hotel open in a compliant and safe manner. Our supply chains are fully operational and our COVID19 response team are on call to help you. As well as our full range of goods and services we have introduced a complete range of COVID19 items:
- Hand Sanitisers
- A full range of HSE compliant cleaning products
- Decontamination service
- Floor markers & way finding
- A comprehensive range of PPE
- A full range of COVID19 supplies
- Condiment sachets
- Food and beverages
To arrange a consultation with a member of our COVID19 response team, visit our contact page.