Personal Protective Equipment – Frankie Whelehan

Credit: @roisinmburke | The Business Post Frankie Whelehan, the veteran hotelier, has been supplying 260 nursing homes with personal protective equipment in recent weeks to plug the gap between demand and state supplies. His First Choice purchasing group, which usually supplies hotels, bars, restaurants and care homes with food, stationery and other requirements, began to […]
Reopening Hotels Part 2: Guest Journey & PPE

Hotels are scheduled to reopen on Monday 29thJune in Ireland. We have been in regular contact with our clients in the hospitality industry and a recurring concern has been how to open up safely. At First Choice Purchasing we have first-hand experience of the challenges presented by COVID19. Through our partnership with the NHI and […]
Reopening Hotels Part 1: Cleaning Protocols

As Ireland’s largest procurement company, First Choice Purchasing are in a privileged position to be partners to a sizeable portion of the nation’s hotels. During these unprecedented times we have been in daily contact with both hotels and suppliers. The feedback we have received has been centred around the uncertainty about the guidelines for reopening […]
COVID 19 PPE: We Are Here to Help

As Ireland’s largest procurement company, First Choice Purchasing have a unique perspective on the current COVID 19 pandemic. Over the past eight weeks we have been suppling our clients on the frontline in the healthcare sector including over seventy percent of Ireland’s nursing homes. We are bringing this expertise and knowledge to the reopening of […]
Nursing Homes: Our Promise

These are truly unprecedented times in Ireland and indeed in the global community. COVID19 has taken the lives of many loved ones and changed the very fabric of how we live. ‘At risk’ groups include people with underlying health issues and those over the age of seventy. First Choice Purchasing are proud to be amongst […]